Jun 22, 2016

The weather got nice, so me and my sister got into dying wrap fabrics with all our passion. I just love this pink and black carrier that I made of it. Stunning indeed.

Feb 8, 2013

My sister's wrap conversion full buckle carrier

I found a couple wrap scraps in my pile by my beloved sewing machine, and made this colorful full buckle carrier. I would of never guessed that Triyellow Zara and café Leo would be such an awesome match together.
I planned to send it to a babywearing club, but my sister tried it before sending and wanted to keep it. My sister's carrying my beloved niece in it in the photos above.

Turquoise CGW wrap conversion full buckle

Among the full buckles i made, one of my all time favorites is this beauty with custom dyed Didymos wellen wrap paired up with turquoise CC.

As requested it has been made with a wider body, and a shorter shoulder and waist strap. It has a hood which is not shown on the photo. It also got a little bag in which the carrier can be stored when not in use, and be carrier everywhere needed in it.

My standard full buckle carriers are set for 170cm height and a minimum of 74cm waist. It can also be worn by shorter and taller parents, but if you are much different from the mentioned sizes, please contact me to have a custom made one like Ági.

Due to this awesome color of this custom dyed wrap scrap I myself got into custom dying wraps and got my sister into it also. So if you have something unique in mind, contact me and I am sure we can work something out. :)

The most unique half buckle

I finished this awesome, unique half buckle carrier last week. It is made of a custom dyed Natibaby linen Japan wrap. Perfect choice for those who love brown and orange colors. I wish i made a bag also, but the carrier used up all the wrap.

When testing it, all my 3 beloved daughters were following me around, so all three of them tested it. My eldest daughter is 22 kgs and for a couple minutes even she found it comfortable just like me. Out of curiousity i tried carrying Emma in a rucksack carry with one of my wraps, but i found the carrier more comfortable with her.
Emma and Sári rarely ask to be carried and even if they do, that only lasts for a couple minutes. :D


I bought a Didymos linen pfau wrap and i had a hard time making up my mind what i want to make of it. Due to the placement of the pattern it was not suitable for a regular body. One day i decided to make a pod of it. It was ready fast and we tested it.

We tried it in many ways and found the most comfortable one. I love its vibrant lime green in contrast with the olive wrap.
They are so comfortable that i sew another one the very same day with wollen natural swallows and cafe leo wrap. Sadly I can find no good photos of the second pod :(

My favorite mei tai

This scrap was on my shelf for a long time too. I had no matching wrap for the stick people wrap. I got sick of waiting for the perfect match to come my way so i dyed one myself. I fell in love with it.

All my 3 girls wanted to try it of course. They fell in love with it, just like i did :D